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Insights & Recollections

Welcome to my blog!.
Recalling events over the past fifty some-odd-years, I’ve decided to share some of them in this blog. The following posts are sequentially numbered, starting with 1 below.
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Ron Brent
May 27, 20234 min read
The following article began as a brief history of my relationship with Yogi Bhajan during the years 1970-71. I started writing it last...
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Ron Brent
May 26, 20232 min read
25. Last Meeting: Confrontation with Yogi Bhajan #2
A week into my stay at Gobind Sadan, word comes that Yogi Bhajan has arrived in India with a large group of Western students and will be...
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Ron Brent
May 25, 20232 min read
24. Gobind Sadan
Gobind Sadan is located in Meroli, a farming community on the outskirts of Delhi. When we arrive at the ashram,Maharaji is in the fields...
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Ron Brent
May 24, 20231 min read
23. I Meet Virsa Singh
With two weeks to kill, I took from my wallet the address of a close devotee of Maharaj Virsa Singh that I’d gotten from one of Yogi...
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Ron Brent
May 23, 20231 min read
22. Change in My Travel Plans
My departing flight took me to Paris where I met a young Dutch couple who had once traveled overland to India. My conversation with them...
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Ron Brent
May 22, 20231 min read
21. Three Days with Rudi in New York
On December 31, 1970, I boarded a train from Los Angeles to New York, where I spent the next three days as a guest of Rudi at his...
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Ron Brent
May 21, 20233 min read
20. Kundalini
KUNDALINI So, what is kundalini? According to Tantrik sources (where kundalini is first mentioned), it is defined as the Power of...
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Ron Brent
May 20, 20232 min read
19. Confrontation with Yogi Bhajan #1
Now that Baba has left, I begin to plan for my trip to India. This presents me with a number of things to do. One of which is to go to...
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Ron Brent
May 19, 20233 min read
18. A Change in My Teaching Style
The following day I arrived early for my class at the college. For my seat, I place a blanket on top of a table in front of the room. I...
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Ron Brent
May 18, 20232 min read
17. A Strange Gathering
People have come from all over Big Sur and the Monterey Peninsula to see Ram Dass and Baba. The cabin is packed. Those who can’t fit in...
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Ron Brent
May 17, 20232 min read
16. An Unexpected Birthday Present
Heading north up Highway One, our first overnight stop is Esalen Institute in Big Sur. It’s a 24-hour stay, with Baba holding a small...
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Ron Brent
May 16, 20237 min read
15. Initiation
The following day is a day of rest for Baba. I’m plugging into various tour duties that need to be done, traveling back and forth between...
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Ron Brent
May 15, 20233 min read
14. Baba
Meeting Baba was one of the highlights of my life. It was magical, mystical and remains a major influence in my life today. His first...
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Ron Brent
May 14, 20233 min read
13. Harrison
Aside from my weekly class at MPC, my daily routine at this point is to teach 1-2 morning classes at my studio in Carmel Valley, then...
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Ron Brent
May 13, 20232 min read
12. Carmel Valley
I arrive in Carmel in early July and immediately begin reaching out to the people on Nala’s list. Within a week I found a place to live...
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Ron Brent
May 12, 20232 min read
11. Preparing to Leave LA
Upon returning to Los Angeles from Santa Fe, I continue my morning sessions with Yogi Bhajan as I prepare for the move to Carmel. In...
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Ron Brent
May 11, 20232 min read
10. Summer Solstice
Summer Solstice Celebrations are a big deal for Yogi Bhajan. On top of this, he’s building a strong community base in Santa Fe. The...
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Ron Brent
May 10, 20232 min read
9. Seeds of Doubt
During one of these informal gatherings Yogi Bhajan says something that gives me a jolt. As time goes on, it begins to eat away at my...
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Ron Brent
May 9, 20231 min read
8. Teacher Training
It’s now April, and Yogi Bhajan invites me to join a small group of students at his home for morning sādhana sessions (yoga practice)....
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Ron Brent
May 8, 20232 min read
7. My Life as a Yogi Begins
From the time of my awakening in May, 1967 until now (early 1970), I’ve studied and/or practiced a number of spiritual disciplines. Aside...
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